Auckland Leaders

With Auckland being our biggest city, we are so excited to have the below women as our Auckland Leaders.

Sophie Burns

Hey I’m Sophie, I’m 25 and work in marketing and have been a Dear Community leader for just over a year.

I’m super chill and friendly and a people person, love meeting new people and helping others meet new people!

Contact Soph

Abby Brown

Hey! I’m Abby, a proud Palmy gal who has recently moved to Auckland. I am an interior design stylist in a home staging company. I love all things design and being creative!

In my spare time I enjoy catching up with the girls over a coffee and pastry, hitting a les mills class and baking! I also have a love for travel and trying new foods and restaurants/bars. I love socialising and meeting new people. I look forward to our events together!

Contact Abby

Katrina Dickins

Hey! I’m Kat, born and raised in Auckland but love exploring other parts of Aotearoa, and the world! I just graduated from my law degree (finally a lawyer!), but I am aiming to be more than just a corporate girly - I love bouldering, getting outside, trying new crafty projects and connecting with people.

I am hoping to bring a little more positivity and gratitude to the community, and just try a bunch of new things with amazing new people. Being the best at one thing is overrated. I love dabbling a little bit in everything!

Contact Katrina

Bronte Caughey

Hiya, I’m Brontë - A 24 year old Aucklander who is passionate about creating safe spaces where people can connect. 

I little bit about me is I work at Fonterra & am a Reformer Pilates Instructor. I have a deep interest in health & wellness as well as supporting other people through their journeys.
I understand it can be hard to find your people but isn’t life so much nicer when you find your fit & can do life together! 

Outside of work you’ll find me at the beach (my ultimate happy place), sipping on a hot chocolate at my fav cafe (don’t judge the hot chocolate ha) & exercising.

I look forward to meeting you!

Contact Bronte

Shannon Hailes

Hey! I’m passionate about living a healthy lifestyle and following the path that is right for me and lights me up. I am constantly trying new things to discover what lights me up and makes me a better person.

I have been overseas travelling for the past few months and l loved the solo travel i did as i got to meet so many amazing people.

Coming back home made me want to continue getting outside of my comfort zone and meeting new people as community and connection is one of my biggest values.

I am a qualified pilates instructor, love going to run groups and am a big foodie, whether that’s making it or trying out new restaurants!

Contact Shannon

Sarah Miller

Hey there, my name is Sarah, I’m 22 and originally from South Africa. Moving to New Zealand only two years ago, making friends has been quite challenging which is why I love who Dear Community is.

I have a passion for inspiring and supporting young girls and women and love surrounding myself with likeminded individuals. I love all things fitness, fashion, food and lifestyle and my favourite place to be is at the beach whether watching the sunrise or soaking up the sun.

I am currently finishing my marketing and events degree and AUT while working at a marketing and sales company.

I hope I can bring laughter, joy and some much needed girl time to Dear Community and look forward to meeting you!

Contact Sarah

Storm Bicknell

Heya! My name is Storm and I’m one of DC Auckland leaders.

I’m 21, and recently just graduated from AUT with a bachelors of Education and Teaching, and now I teach 30 Year 6 students.

I love socialising and meeting new people, and I just love how DC brings people together. I love hanging out with friends and family. I love getting outside, doing bottomless brunches or baking. Other than that you’ll find my on the couch with a tea watching a movie hahaha! I can’t wait to meet you!

Contact Storm

Ha-Young Kim

Kia ora, I'm Ha-Young! I'm on a mission to live an empowered, heart-centred life and encourage others to do the same. I am currently a wellness project coordinator for an awesome events company, while also crafting my own path as a life coach.

You can usually catch me upside down in an acroyoga pose, flowing through a yoga sequence or finding my zen through meditation and journalling. I am also a sucker for board games - I'm always down for a cosy games night with friends!

My core values include fostering inclusive spaces and creating memories that last a lifetime. That's why it's so special being a Dear Community leader - I get to help amazing women forge new connections and build friendships. I can't wait to connect with you at the next event!

Contact Ha Young

Citrine Hudson

Hi, I’m Citrine, or better known as Cici.

I was raised in Australia and have lived in NZ for 8 years. I have a wee little French bulldog named Alf, and he is my true ride or die.
I absolutely love fashion and am an avid op shopper (queen). My friends are always jealous because apparently, I always find the “good stuff”.

I study marketing and PR at aut, I’m very bubbly and talkative (apparently not always a good thing) but I think so.

If I’m not at an op shop or walking Alf, I love reading and spending time with my friends at the beach or having cheese board (yum).

Since moving here and trying to find a solid friend group or a couple of girl pals, I know how hard it can be to make new friends, so I hope I can share a laugh, some food, and maybe a drink at these amazing events to help other like-minded girls find friends, build relationships, and most of all, have a fun time.”

Contact Cici

Taylor Burgess

Hiya! I’m Taylor, North Shore born and raised.

I am an absolute girly girl and have a passion for all things nails.

I love exploring the outdoors with my partner and his 4WD if im not inside with a paintbrush or pencil in hand.

I’m very excited for my new adventure with Dear Community and can’t wait to meet so many lovely people!

Contact Taylor

Carlie Morreel

Hello! My name is Carlie, I’m 24 and I moved up to Auckland about 10 months ago from Tauranga. I found it tough to meet new people in a big city, and when I came across Dear Community I fell in love with the idea and wanted to get involved. I absolutely love spending time with my family and friends, baking, reading, travelling, and I am a MASSIVE animal lover! I’m looking forward to meeting lots of you!

Contact Carlie

Supriya Sally

I'm Supriya, a fresh graduate from the University of Otago, rocking a Bachelor's in Food Science. I have recently moved to Auckland after Graduating and am super excited to be a Leader at DC and connect with amazing individuals like yourself.

Before diving into the science of food, I spent 5 years as a chef. And now I am working in Product development so you can enjoy some new and innovative products. That also means I am a massive foodie and love trying new food spots. Being an extrovert, you will mostly find me chatting with people but can be a good listener sometimes. I am also artsy so love painting and creativity in different forms.

Having lived in different parts of the world, I know firsthand how tough it can be to make friends. Shoutout to communities like DC for having a platform to bring like-minded girls together. Now, I'm excited to pay it forward and create that same sense of belonging for other women in Auckland.

Contact Supriya

Phoebe Hendy: Book Club

Hi, I'm Phoebe, a proud Yorkshire lass who has recently moved to Auckland.

I work for a children's charity as a counsellor and am so excited to get to know Aotearoa. I love travelling and trying new foods, getting outside tramping and cycling, but you'll often find me in a coffee shop reading a book, listening to podcasts.  I'm looking forward to meeting you and hearing what you think about our latest book! 

Contact Phoebe

Savannah Clemm: Book Club

Hi I’m Savannah, I’m 25 & currently work in financial crime (banking). I’ve moved out to Howick a few years ago but grew up on the shore. Most weekends & evenings you’ll find me with my nose in a book. (p.s. a kindle was the BEST investment I’ve made in a while) 💗

Contact Savannah