Introducing the Dear Community team


Hannah Koumakis

Hey, I'm Hannah, founder of Dear Community

I am a born and raised Kiwi. I currently live in Auckland. I run this beautiful community as well as a few other businesses.

I am a big family person, and love being with my friends. I'm constantly on the go, always busy but I love the hustle life.

My heart lies with people, looking out for others and ensuring people feel welcomed. The reason why I started Dear Community was to ensure that everyone felt like they had a place here.

Hopefully I'll be able to meet you soon!

Contact Hannah

Events Coordinator

Niamh Vercoe


I’m Niamh a recent graduate from Waikato University with a degree in Public Relations and Marketing. After having lived overseas for the past few months, I am beyond excited to be back in the beautiful Bay of Plenty, and even more excited to be interning at Dear Community. 

When I’m not going for walks, unsuccessfully attempting to stand up on a surf board or meeting up with friends, you’ll find me reading or hanging out with my husband. 

Having lived overseas I know how difficult it can be to meet new people, so I can’t wait to use my events and marketing background to assist in creating special moments for women across NZ to meet. Im so excited to meet some of you, and I hope we cross paths soon!

Contact Niamh

Event Coordinator Intern

Kenzie Mason

Kia ora, My name is Kenzie and I am stoked to be joining the Dear Community team as an events intern. I have just completed my 4 years studying event management and marketing and am excited to put my knowledge into practice. 

In my spare time I enjoy going for walks, watching my partner play rugby or hanging out at my family farm, especially with my cat Frank. 

I am excited to be involved in such a huge community that values connection and supporting one another and hope that I can help create experiences and opportunities for you all to thrive in. 

Contact Kenzie

Administration and Communication Intern

Maia Trevelyan


My name is Maia, and I'm Dear Community's Administration and Communications Intern! I am honoured to be joining the DC team and work alongside Hannah and Niamh, and cannot wait to see what I can contribute! 

I'm a third-year student at the University of Waikato studying towards a Bachelor of Business in Strategic Management and Economics. Here, I am the Secretary of the Women in Business Association, which has led me to pursue this amazing internship opportunity with DC as I am passionate about empowerment and networking. Outside of all that, I am a very active person. I love playing hockey, going to the gym, and running. I hope to meet the lovely Tauranga girls in the coming weeks! 

Contact Maia

North Island Leaders

Northland Leaders

Whangarei Leaders

Auckland Leaders

Hamilton Leaders

Coromandel Leaders

Tauranga Leaders

Rotorua Leaders

Taupo Leaders

Hawkes Bay Leaders

Palmerston North Leaders

New Plymouth Leaders

Wellington Leaders

South Island Leaders

Nelson Leaders

Christchurch Leaders

Dunedin Leaders

Queenstown Leaders

Invercargill Leaders