Christchurch Leaders

Christchurch welcomes you to Dear Community!

Please remember if any of the leaders below have their Instagram accounts on private, you can still message them! Simply click the three bubbles on the top right hand corner, and the message will be sent to them.

Moya Mckenna

Hello! My name is Moya, I am a born and bred Wellington gal that has relocated to Christchurch for uni. Currently I am studying health sciences at UC, I major in public health and minor in psychology.

This year I am interning at The Depression Recovery Trust, this is a new centre in Wellington that provides a full sphere of services for people struggling with mental health. They do clinical, holistic and spiritual approaches; something for everyone!

I’m here as a leader in Christchurch because I know that people need people. Simple as that. Being excluded or feeling lonely are feelings that, truthfully, suck. Having some gal-pals to have a chat to, have a hug or do some fun bits and bobs is something I know I love having around. This initiative is huge and I’m so proud to be representing this amazing organisation.

I really love meeting new people and having a chat. I have rowed competitively for the past six years, so love a chat about any and all sport. I love some good ol’ pop culture, watching some movies & shows (recently into F1), very open to recommendations, so don’t hold back.

I’m super excited to meet some of you Christchurch girls and do some cute activities.

Contact Moya

Natasha Brown

Hi my name is Natasha,

I'm a 27 year old Youth Support worker, who has recently moved to Christchurch from South Africa. Being passionate about mental health, I studied psychology at University. I hope to continue studying further at the end of the year. I love an adventure whether it’s finding a cute new coffee shop, skydiving or a sunrise ocean dip. I also love traveling and making new friends along the way. I also love traveling and making new friends along the way. Being new to CHC, I am so excited to both connect with my community and assist in connecting like minded ladies. I like to think of myself as someone who creates a space where anyone can feel welcomed and included, and as a community leader I can’t wait to create events where this is radiated.

Contact Natasha

Kaylee Schipani

Kia ora, my name is Kaylee. My partner and I moved to Christchurch 6 months ago from the States and love connecting with new people! I'm a firm believer that you can find something to talk about with anyone if you take the time to listen and genuinely get to know them. I love being outdoors and you'll often find me gardening, camping, fishing, or running around Canterbury. I love (attempting) a good pub quiz and my go-to drink is an espresso martini, you can't go wrong. I'm at my happiest when I'm hosting at our home; I love providing a safe space for people to tell their story and share a good laugh, and I’m so excited to do that as a Dear Community Leader.

Contact Kaylee

Isla Bryant

Hi my name is Isla, I'm 21 years old and I'm from Motueka. I've lived in Christchurch for about 10 years and have been attending Dear community events since the start of 2023.

Some of my passions include Martial Arts which I have a black belt in, Muay Thai Kickboxing and the gym. I also love spending time with friends and family in the outdoors. As you'll probably figure out when you meet me, I'm a strong purple fan and pretty much everything I own is purple so I'll be easy to spot at events. I started going to Dear Community as a way to gain back some confidence in meeting new people whilst dealing with anxiety and it honestly helped me to grow so much. I love meeting new people and forming relationships and I look foward to seeing you at the next DC event.

Contact Isla

Madeline Short: Book Club

Kia ora, my name is Madeline and I am a wife, māmā to two boys, avid book worm, wannabe baker and I love going for coffee & treats with girl friends. I was also cat obsessed until I had my boys and sadly my cats did drop slightly in the priority rank. Our three cats still hold the joint title of being my first babies though.

My study background is a Bachelor in Youth Development and I have had the privilege of working with young people in a wide range of sectors including education, justice system, care & protection and faith based.
Since having my first son, I moved to a role as a Whānau Ora Navigator which I absolutely love as I get to work alongside whole whānau instead of the individual.
Currently I am on maternity leave so I’m home with my youngest and making the most of all the coffee catch ups and reading.

The book club is such a brilliant way to meet others as everyone already has a joint interest of the book - the perfect conversation starter. I look forward to meeting other keen readers and getting to share the joy & contentment found in getting through a good book.

Contact Madeline

Rose Kuru: Book Club

Kia ora! I'm Rose, 23 years old, originally from Christchurch. I called Wellington my second home while studying molecular biology and environmental science at Vic Uni. After graduating, I couldn't resist the pull of my hometown, so here I am, back where it all began. Sharing my life with my partner and our two adorable cats keeps things lively around the house.

By day, I'm a sustainability analyst, but any other spare moment, I'm lost in the pages of a good book. I'm deeply immersed in environmental work, but even outside of my professional life, I draw inspiration and find calmness in the presence of nature. I like to spend the weekend exploring the wonders of nature through hiking. Also, recently, I've taken up running, and I’m finding it incredibly rewarding!

I'm thrilled to meet fellow bookworms and dive into the world of literature together. While dissecting plot twists and character arcs is fun, what excites me most about our book club is forging connections and friendships. Having moved away from my hometown, I know how hard it is to find people you connect with, so I'm really excited about facilitating new connections in this space.

Contact Rose

Jess Wright: Book Club

Hi I'm Jess and I'm a GP in Christchurch.

Originally from Oregon, USA, my husband and I, with our dog and two cats,moved over to Auckland, New Zealand for two years, before settling down in Christchurch. I’m a competitive runner, and avid skier, who also loves to read and thoroughly enjoys gardening. 

Understanding what it's like to move to a new city and not know anyone, I believe in what Dear Community is doing, with their efforts to help women find connections. I really enjoyed attending the Dear Community Book Club in Christchurch, and am so excited to help expand their ticket availability by becoming another leader.

Contact Jess