
Dunedin welcomes you to Dear Community!

Bethan Hansen

Hi, I'm Bethan!

I am a second-year student studying marine science, zoology and journalism - a combination of all my favorite things! I come from a beautiful sheep farm in Taranaki. I love spending my time on the farm or at Opunake beach on the weekends, where I am a surf lifeguard. My weeks now (when I'm not hitting the books!) are spent running, cooking with my flatmates and freezing my butt off at the Sunrise Crew morning swims at St Kilda beach.  I think those are the best activities ever - doing something out of the ordinary to build stronger connections with people (and the post-swim coffee hits so hard!) Originally from Denmark, I know how hard it is to be without community. I have followed Dear Community for a while, and am so excited to be Dunedin’s newest leader, to help other women feel less isolated.

Contact Bethan